Nearly 95% of in-custody complaints can be handled by our medical providers without the need of hospital emergency department ancillary services. Our medical staff will conduct pre-booking exams to determine if the arrestee can be…
Blood Draws
Our onsite services allow for Legal Specimen Collection and Chemical Tests (Blood Draws) to be done in the safe and secure environment of your jail facility or at your department sponsored DUI related enforcement activity. Blood Draws can become…
Nasal Naloxone
Fentanyl is a dangerous, powerful, Schedule II narcotic that is 50 times more potent than heroin and is responsible for an epidemic of overdose deaths. Fentanyl is not only dangerous for the drug’s users, but for law enforcement…
COVID-19 and Post Exposure Management of Infectious Diseases
We provide assessment, testing services, and counseling for occupational exposure to communicable diseases, including source testing, in conformity with the client’s policies and applicable laws and…
5150 Transportation Service
VMS offers a 5150 transportation service to alleviate pressures on law enforcement stemming from the time drains required to effectively conduct a 5150 call…
Occupational Health
We perform Health Authority review and compliance requirements outlined in the Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities Title 15 – Crime Prevention and Corrections Divisions 1, Chapter 1, Subchapter 4…